Remove the excess water from the wig by patting it with a soft clean towel.

While still damp, use a pair of sharp shears to trim the ends of the wig. If you do not have the ability to cut the hair on the wig evenly, bring it to a professional hairstylist to complete the task properly.

Place the wig on a mannequin head to allow it time to thoroughly dry.

Avoid using a blow-dryer to quicken the process as this can cause the frizz to return. Lightly spray the wide-tooth comb with anti-static hair product. Comb through the wig and remove any knots or tangles.

Run a fabric softener dryer sheet over the dried wig.

This will smooth any fly-a-ways and hard-to-resolve frizz problems that may persist. Style the wig in whichever way you’d like. Finish with a light-weight hairspray to keep the hair in place.
