Make a Bun or Smooth Down the Ends

If your hair is short, Hobbs recommends that once you’ve twisted the hair so it’s behind your ear, secure it on the side of your head with a few bobby pins.

However, Hobbs suggests twisting longer hair into a coil and then fashioning the coil into a Princess like flat bun.

“Start in the center and twist out so that it actually gets larger,” says Hobbs.

“Think cinnamon roll. And then tuck the last piece of hair into the bun and anchor it with bobby pins.” Hobbs cautions that if you pull the bun too tight it will just make the ends wonky when you let your hair down).

Repeat All Steps on the Other Side

You’re halfway there and probably a master at twisting and pinning now!

So it’s time to repeat everything on the other side. Twist, pin and make a bun. Once you reach the bottom, you have another option: create a single larger bun using a bun maker, which keeps the hair from collapsing down on itself.

Unravel and Go

After your killer workout, unfasten your hair and let it fall into its natural place.

Allow it air-dry, or blast your scalp with a hair dryer set on cool to speed up the process.

Roots a little oily?

Spritz on some dry shampoo or work a very small amount of smoothing cream through the drier ends to even out your overall texture. “The goal is to make it look like you meant to do this with you hair,” says Hobbs. “So if the roots are a littler oilier than then rest, you can even it out with some products.”
