There are a wide variety of hair weaves to choose from depending on what your choices are or what you look want to present to your world, for the sake of those who don’t know and for this article we would succinctly consider the options available to choose from .

Virgin Brazilian Hair

If black color is not exactly your choice then Brazilian virgin Hairs are what you should go for, they are mostly brown or black depending on the texture of the individual the hair was harvested from, while most hairs do not have uniform colors ,one sure way to know that that luscious hair you are about to pay for is genuine Brazilian’ do not forget to check out the root of the hair which is always close to the scalp is always blacker than the middle and the tips. And if you’re bold and daring enough, cut off a slice of this “virgin” hair presented to you and bring close to a lighter ,authentic Brazilian virgin air will give off a thick smoke while a fake /synthetic hair will immediately burst into flames. if your hair passes this test, you can make your purchase.

Virgin Brazilian Hair

If black color is not exactly your choice then Brazilian virgin Hairs are what you should go for, they are mostly brown or black depending on the texture of the individual the hair was harvested from, while most hairs do not have uniform colors ,one sure way to know that that luscious hair you are about to pay for is genuine Brazilian’ do not forget to check out the root of the hair which is always close to the scalp is always blacker than the middle and the tips. And if you’re bold and daring enough, cut off a slice of this “virgin” hair presented to you and bring close to a lighter ,authentic Brazilian virgin air will give off a thick smoke while a fake /synthetic hair will immediately burst into flames. if your hair passes this test, you can make your purchase.

Virgin Peruvian Hair

Truth be told, Brazilian hair could be long and light and boring and so you might be shopping for something thicker, more wavy and something that blends with your normal African hair, go for Peruvian virgin hair weave they have these qualities that a regular virgin Brazilian weave lacks: thickness and uniform blend and Peruvian hairs are the perfect blend Afro American woman giving her that natural look with volume to match, Peruvian hairs are really a top choice to make when shopping for hairs that are wavy, plenty and long-lasting.
