How do I select the wig that is right for me?
How do I select the wig that is right for me?

It can be very challenging to find the wig that is right for you with the multitude of options that are available. How do you filter through all the noise and figure out what the best choice for you? We can help! Below we detail some general information that can help you as you navigate your wig wearing journey. Need more help? Contact us for a free consultation!

Some important questions to ask yourself when you are deciding what wig to purchase are: What is your lifestyle? What is your commitment to maintenance? How skilled are you with styling? How open are you about your hair wearing? What is your budget? Are you looking to fly under the wig wearing radar or are you okay if others know you are wearing hair? Do you have access to a local stylist who can help you with your supplemental hair? What are your longevity and ease of use expectations?

The first step is to answer the questions above to point you in the direction of what supplemental hair product might be right for you. Once you have done that then here are some options you might want to consider:

Synthetic wigs:

These are not your grandmothers synthetics! Synthetic hair wigs have improved dramatically in recent years, resulting in some amazingly gorgeous synthetic wigs. Pros: Synthetics work well if you want a plop and go style since the style is baked in. You can get a variety of fun colors and styles. They can generally be worn right out of the box, though some will require minor tweaking/personalizing. Some of the more expensive synthetic wigs are all hand tied so they are very lightweight and the often come with a natural parting area. They can range in price from as low as about $30 for lower end brands all the way to $500/up for designer brands. Cons: Some synthetics can be overly shiny making them unnatural looking. They can have limited longevity of one to a few months. There is fairly steep learning curve regarding caring for them. Some synthetics are stiff, bulky, and unnatural looking. Synthetic fibers often don’t feel as nice as human hair. Some synthetic wigs are very unnatural in appearance and are obviously a wig.

Human hair wigs:

There are an infinite number of possibilities and options available in human hair wigs. it isn’t possible to address them all so here is a general summary:

Human hair wigs vary tremendously in their quality. This quality impacts longevity, ease of use, natural appearance, and comfort. If you are open about your wig wearing, change your wigs often, have more than one wig, are comfortable with styling/managing hair and have realistic longevity expectations then the quality of the hair and base materials won’t matter much. You have a tremendous variety of choices and options available to you.

If you are wearing hair to address thinning/hair loss and are not open about your wig wearing then the quality of the hair, the type of cap, and the quality of the construction of the wig will be significantly important to you. You will likely want to invest in a the best quality hair and have a full customized wig made for you by a highly skilled, expert wig maker. This type of wig will provide you with the most undetectable look, ease of use, great longevity (with proper care and maintenance) and a gorgeous natural looking head of hair. These wigs are an investment but well worth it based on the excellent return you’ll get on that investment.
