
Why do young people have gray hair 07
Why do young people have gray hair 07

Modern medicine has discovered that one of the main causes of gray hair is anemia. Blood represents the health status of the body. Good blood quality will help hair grow darker, smoother and healthier. In contrast, the condition of rapid hair loss is caused by insufficient blood in the body.

Effects of UV rays

Why do young people have gray hair 08
Why do young people have gray hair 08

If you leave your hair exposed to the sun for long periods, melanoma cells will be damaged by ultraviolet rays in the sun. This will not only degrade your hair but it may also cause it to fade. So when you go out in the sun, protect your hair from the harmful effects of UV rays by wearing a hat or using an umbrella.

Shampoo daily

Why do young people have gray hair 09
Why do young people have gray hair 09

Using shampoo too often will lose its natural oils, making hair less shiny. Experts recommend that it’s best to wash your hair every few days, even after 3 days. If you are worried your hair is greasy, you can use a dry shampoo for your roots, rinse it with water, or style it with a dryer.

Use a variety of shampoos

Why do young people have gray hair 10
Why do young people have gray hair 10

Some people think that constantly changing shampoos will make your hair stronger, however, in fact, you should stick to a shampoo that, effectively, you’re your hair. If you have oily hair and you often use wax styling products, you should use a clarifying shampoo every few weeks to clean your hair.

Using too much shampoo or conditioner

Why do young people have gray hair 11
Why do young people have gray hair 11

Instead of applying shampoo and conditioner to the entire hair, focus shampoo on the scalp and conditioner from the middle to the ends of the hair. The top of your hair needs more conditioner to avoid splitting, while the shampoo with bubbles will clean the hair.

Use too hot water

Why do young people have gray hair 12
Why do young people have gray hair 12

Warm water opens the cuticles on your hair so shampoo and conditioner work better, while cold water closes these cuticles to retain moisture from the conditioner, making your hair look shiny and healthy. So wash with warm water, then rinse with cold water. If you don’t like cold water, take a cup of apple cider vinegar mixed into two glasses of water to apply to your hair after washing and rinsing. Vinegar is a gentle cleaning agent that removes excess chemicals and treats dandruff.

Flush too much water (for dyed hair)

Why do young people have gray hair 13
Why do young people have gray hair 13

When dyed, the hair absorbs and releases water faster. When you rinse your hair, the dye will be faded. Therefore, do not spend time flushing. Also, avoid too hot water because the heat causes hair to lose hair color quickly. If you want to have a gorgeous hair hue without using harmful chemicals when dyeing hair, you can try 16 inch clip in hair extensions once. These hair products are from human hair so the hair color will be perfect as you want. Besides, when using clip-ins, you also remove them easily as well as applying.
