People use synthetic hair for a number of reasons. It’s used as extensions to provide length, as filler to conceal bald spots or in weaves to give hair more body. Synthetic hair is made from a variety of different materials and often includes some portion of real human hair to give it a more natural look.


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What is Synthetic Hair Made of 01

Toyokalon is a synthetic fiber made in China that is highly heat resistant so that it can easily be styled.


Kanekalon is another Asian fiber material that is commonly used to make synthetic hair. It is versatile and holds braids and styles well. It is lighter than most synthetic fiber.


Monofilament, or monofiber, is a high quality woven linen material used to make hairpieces. It is typically used in permanent weaves and is very durable.


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What is Synthetic Hair Made of 02

Single filament polyester is a petroleum-based fiber that is commonly used in less expensive synthetic hairpieces.


Synthetic hair is sometimes produced using silk. Silk hair is very soft but does not hold up as well as man-made materials.


Silicone is a rubber-based material used in synthetic hair production. It holds color well and can be placed directly on the skin to look more natural.
