Synthetic hair is big business. Think about Cher, Dolly Parton, Tyra Banks and Christina Aguilera.

The entertainment industry has been employing hair enhancements for years. Today, synthetic hair extensions and wigs are mainstream. Celebrities as well as mere mortals have the option of changing hairstyles almost as easily as donning the latest clothing trends. Synthetic hair is lightweight and easy to care for, making it a popular choice for the fashionista or anyone wishing to improve her appearance. Various types of synthetic hair are now trendy alternatives to natural hair.

Synthetic hairs are man-made fibers that closely resemble natural hair strands.

Synthetic hair is commonly made from kanekalon or toyokalon fibers. Kanekalon is a light, long-lasting synthetic fiber that withstands repeated washings and low-temperature heat styling. The downside to kanekalon is its tendency to tangle and mat. Toyokalon is a softer synthetic hair fiber that tangles less, but lacks the natural look and color of kanekalon fiber. Monofiber (monofibre) is the highest quality synthetic hair, with a realistic look and feel. Monofilament hair behaves more like natural hair than the other synthetic hair fibers.
