part one:why wear wigs?

part two:avoid the wig wearing mistakes

In the past, wigs were accessories reserved only for movie stars and the elderly. Luckily, nowadays, wigs are the fashion trend to follow. Everyone, from teenagers to celebrities, is buying and wearing wigs. After all, if you want to experiment with your look without the permanency of dyeing or cutting your hair, wigs are perfect!

If you’re thinking of buying a wig, it’s important to avoid these wig wearing mistakes.

Wearing a Wig Straight Out of the Box

We know it can be very tempting to want to wear your wig as soon as it arrives, but wearing a wig straight out of the box isn’t the best thing for your hair. Wigs tend to be tangled up and out of shape due to the transit and can also look very weird if you wear them straight out of the box. When your wig arrives, brush the hair so the wig can settle.

Wearing Your Wig all the Time

A really common wig wearing mistake is wearing your wig all the time. The temptation to wear your new wig all the time can be very strong. But wigs trap your scalp and cut off access to oxygen. So, it’s important to take your wig off after some time. Luckily enough, you can still wear your wig throughout the night. Just remember not to wear it for too many consecutive days.

If you’re someone who likes to wear their wigs at all times, then it may be a good idea to invest in some wigs that allow your scalp to breathe. Capless wigs are lightweight and let your scalp breathe. They don’t cut off air from your scalp.

Using Heat

It’s important to remember that good wigs are made of human hair. Just like heat can damage human hair, it can also damage wigs made of human hair. Ideally, you can order a wig that has the hair texture you need. However, if you find yourself curling or straightening your wig on a regular basis, then it may be a good idea to invest in some heat protection spray. If you have a synthetic wig, remember that you cannot use any heat on it unless it is heat friendly.

Wearing the Wrong Size Wig

Wigs are very intricate. So, it’s easy to buy the wrong size. We can’t really assess our wig size ourselves. It’s better to get your head measured by a professional who deals in wigs. It’s important to wear the right wig size because wigs that don’t fit properly can be very damaging for your hair. Small wigs can cause hair loss and breakage.

As long as you avoid these things when you’re using a wig, there’s absolutely nothing to worry about! Wigs are great and a whole lot of fun.
