We all know that the conventional wearing methods of wigs include elastic binding according to the hat type, weaving, clips, and film glue fixing. Today, the wig blogger will talk about the differences between different products of film glue. This article introduces the American Wallker tape series products. Domestic rubber and high imitation rubber should not be seated. At the end of the article, I will write some notes about using glue. Friends with a need can jump directly to the end.

Great White Shark White Latex

The picture above is the Great White Shark White Latex. Mainly for people with sensitive skin, mild and non-irritating. Mainly used for all PU products. White latex cleaning must be equipped with Great White Shark White Latex Remover. 40ml in regular packaging. Strong stickiness, waterproof, sweatproof, desensitization and mild. The data given by the United States, the stickiness is 2-4 weeks, used by Asian physical stores: the actual stickiness is about seven to ten days. The price is slightly higher and less used in Asia.

H2GO Great White Shark Latex Remover

The picture above shows the Great White Shark Latex Remover, which is a conventional degumming fluid, which has the same characteristics as the Great White Shark White Latex. It is mild and non-irritating and suitable for people with sensitive skin. 118ml in regular packaging. It is mainly for colloid removal of Great White Shark White Latex. It is not recommended to use with other colloids.

U1tra hold minis transparent liquid glue

The picture above shows the transparent liquid glue. 15ml in regular packaging, moderate price, relatively large amount in Asia. Sticky for 3-6 weeks, strong sticky, waterproof, sweat-proof and desensitized. Recommended for use with C-22 Orange Lemon Colloid Remover.

C-22 solvent orange lemon colloid remover

The picture above shows C-22 orange lemon degumming solution, lemon flavor, conventional packaging 118ml, can be used for a variety of colloids. Effectively remove scalp and glue residues on wigs, quickly clean tape and rubber without hurting the skin

Adjustment fluid

This product is relatively unfamiliar to the Asian region. Due to cost and other factors, most people and shops choose not to use it. The main function is to reduce the viscosity of the colloid in a short time, so as to prevent the wig from being worn out, it is not convenient to take it off again. The method of use is to apply the gel after spraying the gel, before spraying the gel, and adjust the position of the wig. Reduce the viscosity of the colloid in a short time. The loss of product characteristics will not affect the original viscosity of the colloid. 118ml in regular packaging. The price is slightly higher.
