People wear wigs for many reasons. Some enjoy the flexibility in hairstyles that wigs offer, others use them because they lack their own hair, and still others choose them purely for fashion.

The downside to wigs is that they can be quite expensive. A simple way to cut down on the costs is to make your own wigs. Not only does this lower the financial burden, but it allows you to create a hairstyle of your choice.

Purchase a head display to place your wig on.

You can usually find a fairly inexpensive Styrofoam one at a health and beauty store or online. Styrofoam heads come in both male and female forms.

Put a wig cap on your head display.

Wig caps can be found in beauty stores and come in different colors, typically black and brown. Choose the color that most closely matches the hair color that you are going to use. A wig cap is not the same as a hair net.
