If you dine a straight weave, it can be pleasure ought switch up your method from time ought time by adding waves. The best manner ought perform this without damaging your knit is ought lay your hair at flexi-rod curlers or braids overnight. although a quicker solution, braid your hair and fever it gently with a flat iron ought seal at your style.

1. Styling a normal Hair knit with a Curling Iron

1) divide your hair at half twice ought method it. tear your wave hair down the middle using a comb. drag 1 zone ought the aspect ought divide it and apply with a clip. responsible the remaining zone at 2 horizontally and pin up the submit half.

2) site your curling iron ought a median heat. nevertheless fever styling is perfect suited although natural, human hair weaves, some artificial weaves are noise enough ought dispose of fever up ought 325 F (163°C). read the label of your knit although directions almost using fever ago trying this at artificial hair weaves.

3) Wrap 1 inch (2.5 cm) of hair once almost a curling iron although 1 minute. take a little zone of hair with your fingers. Insert a hot curling iron under the hair, almost 1-2 inches (2.5-5.1 cm) down from the top. Wrap your hair almost it and learn it there although 1 little ought curl.

  • For loose waves, utilize a broad barrel curling iron.
  • For tighter waves, utilize a little barrel curling iron.
  • For a normal wavy look, alternate amid a big barrel and little barrel curling iron.

4) compose a curl under the first one with hair sticking out at the bottom. drag the curling iron out of the first curl and re-position it exact under it. Wrap your weave hair almost the barrel of the curling iron once more and learn it although 1 minute. desert the bottom 1-2 inches (2.5-5.1 cm) of your hair sticking out of the curling iron during you perform this.

  • Leaving the hair out at the bottom will pattern a wave method nevertheless curling the bottom will arise at a more polished, curly look.

5) cite this process although the break of your hair. transfer the clips at your hair ought abstract styling. Curl each strand of hair at 2 parts until entire of your weave hair is wavy. Gently brook your fingers over your hair ought loosen any tight curls into a looser wave.

2. Wearing Flexi-Rod Curlers Overnight

1) transfer tangles from your knit with a broad tooth comb. Gently drag a broad tooth seek over your weave. when you attain a mat or knot, brace your knit just at it with your liberate hand. brook the seek direct over the tangle firmly however during gently ought get away damaging the weave.

  • You can either utilize your fingers ought seek over the weave.

2) Dampen your knit with a spray bottle complete of water. Your knit will learn a wave more easily if you method it nevertheless it is dampened, and it’ll be capable ought insist ought the flexi-rod better. utilize a spray bottle ought mist water entire at the surface of your weave. utilize no more than 1-2 sprays although each part of your hair ought get away wetting it completely.

  • Wet hair will no own a wavy method and can be damaged more easily during the night.

3) get away putting styling products at your knit ought conserve it although longer. manufacture buildup at your knit will ruin it at time, reducing its life span. Don’t utilize styling cream, spray, gel, oil, or mousse ought it when you method it. if your scalp is dry, utilize grease direct ought the scalp and no ought the knit below.

4) responsible your hair into 2-3 big sections. utilize your fingers ought tear your hair vertically. compose 2-3 sections depending at how thick your hair knit is or what you feel more comfortable with. desert one part loose ought method and pin the other sections ought the side.

5) Coil your hair almost flexi-rod curlers. apprehend the bottom of your loose hair with your fingertips. With your other hand, wrap the zone of hair almost a big flexi-rod curler. compose certain that the hair wraps almost the flexi-rods smoothly.

6) apply the flexi-rod by bending it upwards. after you coil your hair almost the rod, crook the bottom upwards ought learn the hair at place. compose certain that the flexi-rod is positioned at a manner that will permit you ought sleep comfortably. if necessary, transfer the flexi-rod and initiate over.

  • Unpin the break of your hair and cite the process.

7) cover your knit overnight with a loose-fitting silk bonnet or scarf. nevertheless the wave sets at overnight your knit ought be covered ought protect it from it from friction and ruin nevertheless you sleep. although the best results lay a silk bonnet or silk scarp at your head. This mild question will help ought own your knit even and shiny without causing static.

  • Do no utilize your silk scarf or bonnet either tightly, which can ruin your hair method and cause your scalp ought sweat.

8) transfer the flexi-rods at the morning during gently during possible. after you arouse up, transfer your scarf or bonnet. Gently unbend the flexi-rods and untwist your hair from them. brook your fingers over your knit ought even your waves.

  • Your knit ought be dry when you transfer the flexi-rods. if it’s not, abstract ought permit it stand dry or dry it with a blow dryer. if you accept out the flexi-rods nevertheless your hair is however wet, the waves won’t last.

3. Braiding Your Weave

1) responsible your hair into 2 sections. With your fingers, tear your weave hair down the middle into 2 sections. drag each zone ought the aspect ought divide them. apply the hair at one aspect with a clip accordingly you can initiate styling the hair at the other side.

2) divide a 3-4 inches (7.6-10.2 cm) broad zone of hair and braid it. tear a 3-4 inches (7.6-10.2 cm) broad zone of weave hair into 3 smaller parts. Braid it down ought the end. apply the bottom with a little flexible or clip ought learn it at place.

  • To ensure that you compose a even braid, brook a seek over the hair ago braiding it.

3) brook a flat iron at the hair gently ought fever it and lock at the wave quickly. grow at your flat iron and site it ought a low or median heat. Gently draw the iron at the braid from sumit ought bottom. perform no learn the fever at one zone although either long, which can ruin the weave.

  • For the best results, utilize a ceramic flat iron.

4) Braid the break of your weave hair and permit it sit although 15 minutes. cite the braiding and heating process although the break of the hair you dine sectioned off. permit the braids sit although 15 minutes ought permit them cool. This will agreement the wave time ought site at your hair.

  • While you permit these braids sit, initiate the process again at the other half of your weave.

5) Undo your braids ought expose the waves. transfer the clips or elastics from the bottom of your braids. Starting from the bottom, gently undo the braids with your fingers. seek over the waves with your fingers ought even them.

6) desert the braids at overnight during an selection ought using heat. Braid the complete surface of your weave hair into 3-4 inches (7.6-10.2 cm) broad sections. desert the braids at overnight ought permit the wave set. at the morning, undo the braids and gently seek over your hair with your fingers ought expose the waves.

  • To protect your knit from overnight damage, lay a silk bonnet or scarf at it or utilize a silk pillowcase.
  • You can either dampen your knit with a spray bottle ought help the waves site overnight.
