Wearing human hair wigs is a great choice to change your look but without making any changes to your own hair. It is a simple way to meet people’s requirements of covering bad hair condition and changing other good hairstyles.

If you search human hair wigs on Google Search Engine, you will find many worries and doubts about wearing women’s human hair wigs, questions like: Do human hair wigs damage your hair? Can wearing human hair wigs make your hair fall out? Why do human hair wigs hurt my head? Should you wear a wig cap?

The fact is people love wearing human hair lace wigs, but they are afraid of damaging their own hair. This blog will talk about the topic of keeping your hair healthy while wearing human hair wigs.

People will ignore their own hair easily when wearing human hair wigs, here are some tips about how to protect own hair every wig wearers should know.

Wash Your Hair Under Human Hair Wigs Regularly

As we all know, 100 human hair wigs need to be washed for the first time when we receive it. But is your own hair need to be washed? And how often we should wash it?

Washing your natural hair regularly is the necessary step. There are many textures of human hair wigs, short human hair wigs, blonde human hair wigs, curly human hair wigs, human hair bob wigs, human hair wigs with bangs, colored human hair wigs, long human hair wigs, straight human hair wigs and so on. No matter which textures you pick, wearing wigs long time will make your scalp feel stuffiness and sweat, cause grease and smudginess to your hair and scalp, if not wash them, will cause clogged pores and bacteria growth, then damage your hair. So washing your hair regularly is very important to keep the scalp clean.

Usually, we recommend washing your natural hair once a week. Excessive washing isn’t a good thing, it will upset the balance of water and oil.

You can do a soft scalp massage when you washing your hair.

Keep Your Hair Dry When Wearing Human Hair Wigs

Dry your natural hair when you are ready to wear real human hair wigs. Because wet hair under human hair wigs will cause the growth of bacteria, then damage our natural hair.

Braid Your Hair Orderly Before Wearing Human Hair Wigs

Braid your hair is a common way people will do before wearing the best human hair wigs. On the one hand, this can keep your hair tidy without clutter under real human hair wigs. On the other hand, this can keep your human hair wigs flatter and neater.

Apply A Silk Wig Cap Between Your Hair And Human Hair Wigs

Many people want to know if a wig cap should be applied under best human hair wigs.

Wearing a silk wig cap can protect your scalp and hairline, reduce the friction from installation and human hair wigs. A cotton material wig cap will be not recommended because cotton will absorb the water and oil from your natural hair, make your hair dry.

Choose Human Hair Lace Wigs To Keep Your Hair Breath

Human hair lace front wigs and full lace human hair wigs will be better for keeping your hair and scalp breath. Because the high-quality hand-tied lace has great breathability.

Choose Right Size Human Hair Wigs

The size of women’s human hair wigs is very important, tight wigs for women will give people taut feeling, will damage your hairline, cause a headache. Loose wigs will give people the shaking feeling, it is not good for hair growth.

Take Off Your Human Hair Wigs At Night

Many people ask is it OK to sleep with your human hair wigs on. Actually, taking off your human hair wigs for black women is recommended. In one part, your scalp needs breath and relax, in the second part, human hair wigs may give your scalp stress, if you wearing wigs all the time, it may damage your hair and cause hair loss. Taking off your wigs at night, then give your natural hair a water-based moisturizer will be a good idea.

Pay attention taking off your remy human hair wigs in a proper way, you should apply the special liquid to melt the adhesive, gently take off your wig after the adhesive is melting. Don’t remove wigs directly and rude, this may cause hair loss.

Cut Your Hair Under Human Hair Wigs Regularly

If you have the long natural hair, then you have to cut the split and dry hair ends regularly, this step is also used to your own hair under human hair wigs.

Cutting your natural hair regularly, remove the split hair ends can enhance the hair growth healthy.

Put On Human Hair Wigs In A Proper Way

The method of putting on human hair wigs is very important. If you install the best human hair wigs in a wrong way, then your hair and scalp may be damaged to a large extent. So if you are not sure about your installation skill, you’d better go to your hairdresser for help.
