In fact, wigs, especially real hair! It’s as like as two peas in your hair. Not as much trouble as you think!

Cleaning + maintenance, all you need is five things: shampoo, conditioner, hair dryer, essential oil and splint.

It should be explained here, because the wig itself does not secrete grease, that is to say, it’s OK to wash off the dust usually contaminated, so do not rub the wig for cleaning. Just rub the shampoo and conditioner along and rinse them.

After washing the hair, it must be messy. Don’t worry. Comb it gently. Why is it so gently? Because too much force may pull the wig’s hair, that is, pull the curl…

Then hang it on the bracket and blow it dry from top to bottom, naturally. Don’t blow it with a hair dryer. It’s very hairy. It’s nice after blowing!

OK, the wig is dry and the cleaning is finished. Next is the maintenance. What kind of hair mask and essential oil can be used for the wig. Rub it on your hands and use your hands to smooth the wig~

Good cleaning + maintenance is finished, then I want to make my hair look straight and smooth. It’s simple. Adjust the splint temperature to 200 ° and straighten it directly. Then I want to roll it. It’s simple. Set the temperature of the splint to 200 ° and roll it out. Spray some hair spray and set it.

