Introduction: There are three types of wig materials on the market, which are chemical fiber, human hair, chemical fiber and mixed hair. To choose a good wig that is often worn, you need to know some wig knowledge first !!

First, the types of wigs on the market

The wig materials on the market are mainly divided into three types, which are chemical fiber silk, real human hair, chemical fiber silk and real hair mixed type. First of all, chemical fiber silk wigs are generally not realistic.

If you are not a master of COS, it is best not to buy them, because wearing such wigs is really “false”. Human hair is the most expensive wig, but it is not very suitable for life. It is mainly used by TV actors. You can choose to buy synthetic fiber silk and real hair, the price is moderate, and it is very realistic.

Second, the wig material

When choosing a wig that is often worn, you must pay attention to the comfort and breathability of the mesh. Try it on when buying to see if it feels uncomfortable, and then pull the elastic band inside the wig to feel the degree of tightness. Note that it is not loose or tight. The best.

Third, the hair of the wig

If you want to know the quality of the hair, burn it with a lighter and try it. If it has a bad smell, it is inferior. You can also press the air outlet of the highest hair dryer on the wig for about 5 seconds. There will be no abnormality if it is real human hair, and if it is other materials, it will emit an unpleasant smell.

Fourth, choose a wig that suits you

When choosing a wig hair color, try to choose a hair color that suits your skin color. A fair-skinned MM can choose light brown, brownish yellow; a dark-skinned MM chooses black or brownish yellow; a yellow-skinned MM chooses maroon and dark brown. If wearing a wig requires exposure to light, then choose wine red, yellow, orange red, fuchsia and so on.

Five, precautions for maintaining wigs

There are taboos for wigs of each material. Chemical fiber silk wigs cannot be washed with hot water, blown by wind, or exposed to the sun. For real hair, you can use the wind to slightly set the hair and put it on the hair net. Keep the hairstyle fluffy in the inside; while mixed hair of chemical fiber and real hair cannot use strong detergent such as dishwashing liquid instead of shampoo to clean the wig.
