Full lace wigs look natural and stay put when you put them on correctly.

They can even be worn during most sports activities without coming off. Put on your full front lace wig the right way so that only you will know that those luxurious locks are not yours.

Put on a flesh-colored wig cap, tucking all of your hair inside the cap.

Adjust the wig cap so it sits at your front hairline. If you don’t want to wear a wig cap, comb your hair back away from your scalp line.

Trim the lace on the full lace wig.

This only needs to be done the first time you use your wig, and it does not need to be done if the lace has already been trimmed by the manufacturer. To trim the lace, put the wig on your head. Use hair clips to fasten the wig hair back away from your scalp line. Trim any lace that sticks out past the wig hairline using a pair of sharp scissors. Cut small amounts of lace at a time to avoid accidentally cutting too much. Be careful not to cut any of the wig hair. Leave a little bit of lace sticking out past the wig hairline, but no more than 1 inch.Clean the skin by your hairline with a cotton ball dampened with isopropyl alcohol to remove body oils that could prevent the wig adhesive from sticking properly.
