Wearing a wig is a great option to switch up your look without making permanent changes to your hair, but if you are not careful they can damage your hair and scalp and lead to or cause hair loss/damage.

1.Wearing wigs can damage your hair only if the wig is not made by professionals or does not fit well

2.Lace front wigs are sometimes preferred as they give the illusion of hair growing from the scalp as opposed to other wigs

3.If you are sourcing from a known wig professional then it should not matter much whether the wig is synthetic or made of human hair

4.Dos And Donts of Wearing a Wig

Wearing wigs can damage your hair only if the wig is not made by professionals or does not fit well.

In this case, if you jam your hair haphazardly under a wig or if the wig is not fitted to your scalp by an expert, then it may add pressure to the hair follicles. This may lead to hair loss or damage or even migraines. Instead, if you opt for a good quality wig from a hair couturier then you are assured that it will be designed to fit right. There are several other provisions that will allow your scalp to breathe and retain follicle health. Also, inferior quality wigs can prevent air from reaching the scalp causing infection, dry scalp and more. This obviously affects hair growth and the scalp negatively.

Lace front wigs are sometimes preferred as they give the illusion of hair growing from the scalp as opposed to other wigs.

However, the heavy duty glue used to fasten the wigs can extensively damage the scalp, causing allergies, itching and even bleeding. This can be avoided by opting for a higher quality wig, avoid gluing your hair, use adhesives below your hairline or cover your hairline with a wig cap. There are also options from experienced manufacturers for a wig that clips on securely. Synthetic or Human Hair Wigs?

If you are sourcing from a known wig professional then it should not matter much whether the wig is synthetic or made of human hair.

Although human hair will be of a better quality in terms of looking realistic and the choices of styling, a good synthetic wig can be an equally suitable option. In fact, synthetic wigs are easier to remove and care for. If sourced from professional wig makers, then they allow the scalp to breathe as well, unlike their cheaper counterparts.
Wearing Wigs Everyday – With Care

Wearing a wig everyday while you grow out the hair lost during chemocare is a viable solution. Looking good makes you feel confident, and aids faster recovery. All it takes is a few minutes of care, just like you would your own hair.

Dos And Donts of Wearing a Wig:

Let us summarise some Dos and Donts of wearing a wig everyday – and you can wear your new look with ease and confidence!
1.Do take time to wear your wig with patience. Make sure the fit is correct and does not chafe any area of the scalp.
Do take off the wig gently. Do not tear it off as it may be glued or clipped onto your hair.
2.Clean your scalp regularly, and shampoo and condition your hair before fastening the wig on.
3.Keep your wig clean and aired out as well! 4.Use wigs with nylon netting at the bottom as it allows your hair to breathe. Cotton or nylon wig caps are not very good since they can damage your hairline and hinder hair growth
5.Avoid gluing your hair and do choose a good quality wig with glue-less or clip on wigs. If you do use glue, try and fix them below your actual hairline to reduce the impact on it.
6.Apply organic zinc lotion to minimise irritation or redness of the scalp. Its antibacterial properties help soothe and heal the scalp.
7.Always invest in a high-quality wig and professional hair services that know how to take care of this critical asset.
In truth, most high-quality wigs are designed to allow adequate airflow through the hairs and cap. Similarly, properly fitted wigs rarely add enough pressure to the follicles to cause hair loss. People experiencing hair loss with no other apparent cause may be wearing a poorly made or poorly fitted wig.
