4.They save you tons of time

If you’re fond of styling your hair but take forever to do so, you’ll love wearing a wig because all you need to do to get the style you want is to pick the right wig and go! You never have to go through a day of bed head hair, bad hair or bad hairstyling ever again. Just put your wig on and you’ll look just as fabulous as you did the day before! And if you’re suffering from severe hair loss, wigs can also save you plenty of time compared to other hair loss solutions. There are no extra treatments, waiting times, clips or combs necessary– simply put the wig in place and you instantly have a full head of hair in the style that you want!

5.They can save you money

Now before you object and say that wigs are expensive, hear us out. Wigs can actually be more economical than other hair loss solutions because, with proper care they can last for up to a year. They also don’t require expensive surgeries or several treatment sessions, just a good quality wig shampoo and conditioner, and a wig stand.

Also, when you consider the annual cost of maintenance for your own hair including cuts, colours or foils (which can cost you up to $500 per visit!), there’s really not much of a difference in terms of cost.

There are some wigs however that can cost a bit more than ready-made wigs, but these kinds certainly make up for their costs in customisation.

6.They can be customised

There are plenty of ready-made wigs you can choose from, but if you want a wig that’s specially made to suit you, you can opt for a custom-made natural hair wig. These realistic wigs are made by first getting a contour analysis of your head, so the wig can be made to fit your head perfectly and according to your specified preferences.
